My Charter Group Testimonial


Susie Gromer Lamy, Mu-Misouri

Pledging Delta Gamma at the University of Missouri (Mu Chapter) in 1965 was a decision that has influenced every aspect of my life. I am a member of Delta Gamma's Charter Group to pay back, in some small way, the many benefits I have received.

I was from a small town with 44 in my graduating class. "MIZZOU" seemed like an overwhelmingly large pond, but Delta Gamma provided a supportive and challenging environment which allowed me to thrive.

I was fortunate to be mentored by our chapter president, Sharon Pope, a campus leader and scholar, who went on to become dean of women at the university. She, and my pledge mom, Laurie Dicus Rasmussen, encouraged me to strive for a 4.0 GPA and get involved in campus activities.

I achieved those goals throughout my college years, graduating with honors and campus leadership credentials. In those days, it was known as being a "campus and grades jock," which was needed to ensure DG's overall strength in the Greek community.

Getting Social

On the social front, DG provided opportunities for me to meet my "anchor man," Jim—a Beta Theta Pi, with my sisters celebrating our lavaliering, pinning and engagement candlelight circles at 1 am curfew and four DGs as my bridesmaids at our wedding after graduation.

Jim has participated in many alumnae events over the years and fully supports the time commitments that my Foundation Board of Trustee role entails.

Like many women of my era, the career I chose was teaching. Our plan was for me to teach until we had children. When that didn't happen, I switched careers to join Jim's firm the Bell System, in 1978. The leadership and credentials I developed as a Delta Gamma gave me the resume edge to accomplish this transition. Because of the demands of our career, we had to move every few years which was an exciting and varied life. I always found Delta Gammas through alumnae chapters which provided social connections as well as service and more leadership opportunities.

A Sisterhood

It was at my first DG convention, as a president delegate from my Summit-Westfield, N.J. chapter in 1990, that I first heard about the Charter Group. The convention was an amazing experience. It opened my eyes to a broader perspective of the fraternity.

When I got home, we executed our first will, with Delta Gamma Foundation as a recipient of a percentage of our estate. My first instincts were to specify my college chapter as the beneficiary. I am very proud of my Mu chapter, particularly our endowed "Lamp of Knowledge" Foundation program. I attend all of our five-year reunions and was emcee for my decade at our 100th anniversary observance.

Later exposure, future conventions and knowledge of Foundation's wider goals prompted me to trust my sisters at the Fraternity and Foundation and direct my gift to them for best use. My current hope is that some sort of leadership or scholastic program be established in my name when my bequest is received.

Susie Gromer Lamy, Mu-Misouri
Trustee, Delta Gamma Foundation Board of Trustees