Turning Potential Into Achievement

By Jennifer Magro Algarotti

Cyndy Cycyota

Cyndy Cycyota, Mu-Missouri

Cyndy Burroughs Cycyota, Mu-Missouri, saw firsthand the value of empowering collegians with education as an Alcohol Skills Training Program facilitator at Beta Delta-Colorado College last spring. The experience confirmed her conviction that young people need support from Delta Gamma as they face social challenges. Cyndy and her husband, Tom, have committed $375,000 to create three Foundation endowments: a merit-based scholarship for members of Mu-Missouri, a Sisters Helping Sisters: Need-Based Scholarship, and an endowed fund to support Fraternity Training and Programming to meet the needs of the next generation of Delta Gammas.

As a collegian, Delta Gamma helped Cyndy create great bonds with a remarkable group of women in a large university setting. Her experience provided the foundation she needed during a tough time. “Now,” she recalls, “as I reflect on my time as a collegian, I see the importance of Delta Gamma in providing formative experiences that are so important. Young people need an anchor of people to count on and to create bonds with.”

After college, Cyndy became a loyal donor to Delta Gamma. Receiving a Foundation scholarship influenced her desire to support the Foundation, along with the strength she sees in the impact of Foundation initiatives. Cyndy and Tom’s gift reflect their commitment to the Foundation.

“This gift may surprise some sisters,” Cyndy reflects, “because I haven’t necessarily been a very active alumna, but as I approach a time in my life that I have more time and more resources, I can devote my energy to helping others achieve their goals, as I’ve been able to achieve mine. No one should be held back by financial need or lack of opportunity.”

Cyndy and Tom’s endowments will provide collegians the opportunities they need to achieve personal and organizational goals. It will help alumnae volunteers gather the skill set to support collegians, to address issues in chapters and to further develop themselves as mentors. “Delta Gamma has given me great value in my life,” Cyndy notes, “and we should all want to see those opportunities continue for others.”

Contact Senior Director of Development Aleesa Ross at 614-481-8169 or plannedgiving@deltagamma.org for more information about how an endowed fund gift can impact the lives of our members for generations to come.