Keep Hope Afloat

Anne Hart Allen and friends

Seated, l–r: Pat Matthews Wells, '61; Anne Hart Allen, '60; Kathy (Kitten) Barnett Ames, '60; Standing: Lyn Borum Whaley, '59

By: Anne Hart Allen, Alpha Omega-Arkansas

One of the most significant and momentous experiences in my life was the day when I pledged Delta Gamma at the Alpha Omega chapter at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville (UAF), in the fall of 1959. Several of my high school classmates and friends were DGs, and some were DG legacies; they wanted me to join them in seeking membership in the Alpha Omega chapter of Delta Gamma. While other sororities had expressed interest in me, I always was focused on the Delta Gamma anchor.

From that point forward, I learned the true meaning of genuine sisterhood. We bonded, laughed and rejoiced with our sisters through the exciting and happy times. We cried, grieved and supported each other through the difficult and trying times.

My sisters shared my happiness the day I pledged Delta Gamma and my exhilaration when my pledge sisters and I were initiated into Delta Gamma in 1960 to wear the golden anchor. They shared my excitement and pride for Delta Gamma when I was chosen as Sweetheart of Sigma Pi Fraternity. There were many other meaningful occasions when my sisters and I were rejoicing together about very important events, both personal and collective: pinnings, engagements, and prestigious individual and chapter campus, state and national recognitions and honors. Each event "required Cookie Shines" and singing. My sisters even served as attendants in my wedding.

My sisters were there to support me when I was a just-pledged sophomore, and I received the 4:00 a.m. call from my Mom who told me that my Dad had just died. As I stood in shock, my sisters called around the campus to find someone who would drive me home. They packed my clothes for me; they made sure that my professors knew why I was not in class. They came to the funeral to support me and my distraught Mom and brother. I don't know how I could have made it through that, without my team.

As an alumna, I continued my "Delta Gamma life" by serving as the state recommendations chairman, keeping connected with my sisters, and supporting our Delta Gamma collegians. Regrettably, our beloved Alpha Omega chapter fell on hard times and was closed in the early 1990s. It became more difficult to maintain connections with my sisters. During my ensuing years, my proverb became, "Hope Anchors the Soul".

Over the years, our alumnae began talking about how we could plan for the re-colonization of Alpha Omega. Our discussions soon revealed that this would be a daunting task. Never the less, we persisted. We strengthened our local alumnae chapters and became involved in local and state civic activities.

We were so happy and became very encouraged when Delta Gamma colonized the Eta Omicron Chapter of Delta Gamma at the University of Arkansas in Ft. Smith. I became an "Aunt Hannah" and helped with the first Initiation of some of the most delightful young women for the chapter. This chapter continues to grow and thrive, and I continue to support them and attend their annual Founders Day activities.

We worked to re-establish connections and communications, not only with Alpha Omegas and our Delta Gamma sisterhood, but also with friends at the UAF. I became an officer with the Greater Little Rock DG Chapter, and I supported the Northwest Arkansas alumnae chapter and the Ft. Smith collegians and alumnae chapter.

Enthusiasm grew, and we began supporting the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Campus Food Pantry at UAF. We supported the local Lions Club in conjunction with Delta Gamma Service for Sight. Several of us pursued individual and family involvements on the UAF campus.

My husband, Charles, and I became actively involved with UAF activities and programs. We are members of the Chancellor's Society, Towers of Old Main and Campaign Arkansas, a major fundraising campaign for UAF. I became a member of the UAF Women's Giving Circle that raises money for funding worthy grant projects for the UAF and selected statewide projects. Charles and I worked with the Dean's Advisory Council for the College of Education and Health Professions, and we established an endowed scholarship for deserving students in the organization.

Our sisters began helping the sisterhood get connected with alumnae from all over Arkansas and neighboring states to get excited about the return of Delta Gamma to the UAF. Alpha Omega has such a rich and notable history at UAF, and we want future Delta Gammas to add much to those memorable chronicles. Several of us are committed to continue work for this re-establishment because our collective favorite Delta Gamma memories inspire our hope for future Razorback Delta Gammas! Our rallying cries became "Refuse to Sink" and "Keep Hope Afloat".

Then it happened! UAF invited Alpha Omega to "Come Home, for Good, in 2016". Our DG Sisters, Friends, Providence and Persistence enabled our realization of our dreams.

I am greatly honored to have been asked to serve as Honorary Chairman of the Alpha Omega Chapter of Delta Gamma Campaign Committee which is charged with the responsibility for raising the initial funds for the construction of our beautiful new Alpha Omega Chapter House at 625 West Maple at UAF. We have had terrific response from our sisters and friends of Delta Gamma!

Charles and I have given a gift for a study in the new DG House in honor and memory of our mothers, a gift chosen for the Sisterhood Society. Another gift for the House, made in honor and memory of all of my Alpha Omega sisters, is the dining room, which is delegated as the Alpha Omega Legacy Society. We remember, well, the admonitions of our mothers; "Eat Well and Study Diligently!"

Charles and I are endowing a scholarship with the Delta Gamma Foundation, through a combined outright and planned gift, which is designated for assisting deserving Alpha Omega women who are serving Alpha Omega and the UAF with honor and distinction.

We give to Delta Gamma because it gives to us. Education is critical for all young women, and Delta Gamma enables these young women to learn how to live, serve and function successfully within a supportive sisterhood.

Delta Gamma continues to hold a prominent place in the lives of our family members. My former sister-in-law and my niece are Delta Gammas. My brother has given a gift for our new Alpha Omega House. A most avid supporter of Alpha Omega is my husband, Charles, affectionately known as Anchor Man, by my DG sisters.

At our first re-colonized Alpha Omega Initiation, in spring 2017, I read a poem for Alpha Omega, entitled "Steep Trails" which was written many years ago for Alpha Omega by Juliet Gates Moulton, Sigma '11. This poem was read in tribute to the chapter's very first initiation in 1930. This was in recognition of the difficult process Alpha Omega encountered for being one of the first Delta Gamma chapters colonized during trying and difficult times. The last verse is below.

With the motto of our Emblem, To cheer us on, and point the way;
We have kept our steadfast purpose, Unto this happy day.
Past are all our nights of waiting__ ‘Tis for you to "carry on"
Alpha Omega—we salute you— Our long, steep trail, is done.

Strong alumnae dedication and commitment are requisites for every successful collegiate chapter. We understand this and strive earnestly to ensure this for our Alpha Omega!

I found this definition of the word fraternity. I tried to determine the author; my search was in vain.

It's NOT a house; it's NOT a club.
It's NOT a party. It's a challenge and a promise.

It's a million moments of truth. It's old, and it's new.

It's a gift entrusted to me, to cherish; and then to give away.

It's a shared mission. It's a lifelong expectation.
It's a daily call to action. It's an ancient tradition.

It's a future of opportunities. It's a chance to matter.

It's the Faith to Keep Hope Afloat!!!

It's Delta Gamma — for Hope, for Strength, for Life!

This is my hope for the future of Delta Gamma: to be viable and ongoing.

Continue Anne's work of supporting a strong and viable sisterhood. Give a planned gift to the Delta Gamma Foundation. To learn more, contact Senior Director of Development Aleesa Ross at 614-481-8169 or